Cea Rubin Cea Rubin

enough talk - let’s get real

Since you, too, may be used to encountering Somatics in ways that do not deepen connection in your own body – or if you’re unfamiliar and curious about this powerful therapeutic practice and way of being in the world – I want to offer you something different in this blog post. Case studies. Real life examples – while protecting confidentiality, of course – of how somatic therapy works, and the results of the practice…

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Cea Rubin Cea Rubin

Embody the change you wish to see in the world

I can’t just slap a band-aid of an idea onto things, or hide behind ideologies. I have to walk the walk. Walking the walk takes works, and in that work, there is healing, authentic living, and embodying the changes we see for ourselves and the world…

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Cea Rubin Cea Rubin

Slow down… Even More

“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” … Have you ever heard this saying? In processing emotions, traumas, and charged experiences, this guidance is essential. However, this maxim tends to confound the part…

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Cea Rubin Cea Rubin

“Trust Your Gut,” “Bite Your Tongue” and the Power in the Body

“Trust your gut.” “Bite your tongue.” “Swallow your words.” There are so many sayings in our language that clearly demonstrate how instrumental the body is in our psyches and choices. Despite the centrality of the body in these phenomena, time and time again I hear and see people discounting the role of the body. They either numb out and…

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Cea Rubin Cea Rubin

Tools Are Meant to Serve *You*

What do you do if all the tricks you’ve been told are cure-alls for anxiety, sure-fire ways to slow your heart rate, and the closest thing to a magic pill for panic do. not. work? What if the ways that it seems like everyone is calming down (all the cool kids are doing it!) aren’t helpful for you?

There is a lot of pressure…

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Cea Rubin Cea Rubin

When Problem-Solving & Urgency Strikes Again

Urgency and the perceived need to problem-solve tends to force our awareness up and out of the body. We scan our environment, relationships, society, and seemingly external factors for problems and relief. For many people, this strategy came online in childhood, and its pathways deepened throughout the moments and years…

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